Start and Make Stuff With Justin Spratt

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What do you get when a Microsoft geek and an IBM nerd fall in love and make a baby? Justin Spratt, that's what.

Discover how Justin (Quirk MD Africa) went from being a curious, ten-year-old “hacker” in Australia, to rocking a suit at Morgan Stanley in London– then later becoming a tech-loving digital agency exec and start-up investor right here in Africa.

We asked Justin what it’s like running what's widely considered to be the fastest-growing digital agency in Africa, and got him to share his impressions of some big-name tech entrepreneurs he’s been lucky enough to work with and be mentored by over the last decade. Name drop alert: people like Internet Solutions Founder, Ronnie Apteker, Quirk Founder and CEO, Rob Stokes and Dimension Data Chairman, Jeremy Ord, to name some.

Highlights of this absorbing conversation with Justin include:

  • Justin explaining why he reckons the future of tech and entrepreneurship in Africa is super-bright,
  • Trends to watch that will lead to the total disruption of the traditional broadcasting industry,
  • Invaluable advice to African millennials poised to launch themselves into the big, bad world after they finish school and/or university.

Be inspired!