On Your Marks For 2018: Is The Lean Startup Approach Legit?

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In the first full African Tech Roundup podcast of 2018, [Andile Masuku](http://twitter.com/masukuandile) mulls over *Gefira Solutions* Founder and CEO [Bert Bruggeman](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertbruggeman/)'s assertion that we can't just "app our way" to solving all of Africa's problems. [Click here](https://soundcloud.com/african-tech-round-up/bert-bruggeman-of-gefira-solutions-on-why-hardware-development-is-key?in=african-tech-round-up/sets/quick-chats) to listen to Andile's full conversation with Bert.Then, he ponders which hybrid investment approaches might prove successful in fueling African startups in 2018, and echoes the questions posed by Seyi Fabode’s blog post entitled: “Is It Time To Dump The ‘Lean Startup’ Approach?”
Also, in this episode, Andile gives a quick update on the #NotOurManifesto dumpster fire that Co-Creation Hub Nigeria Co-founder Femi Longe lit late last year and shares some encouraging news regarding the AfricaManifesto.com initiative that was subsequently launched. In case you're not familiar with this whole fiasco, here's the low-down.