52: Celebrating The African Tech Round-Up's First Birthday!
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The African Tech Round-up turns one today, and it’s difficult not be sentimental. It’s been an incredibly rewarding year!
We set out to provide some much-needed coverage of the biggest digital, tech and innovation news stories from the African continent — minus all the PR-soaked click-bait and consumer-driven tech chatter one tends to find all over the web. We’ve certainly done our best to deliver on that mandate.
In producing the show over the last 52 weeks, we hope that like us, you’ve come to better understand the intricacies of Africa’s emerging tech and innovation scene, and that you’ve found the discussions and debates we’ve engaged in as interesting and enlightening as we did.
To celebrate our anniversary, on this week’s show Tefo Mohapi and Andile Masuku share highlights from the past year.
Do listen in and revisit great chats we’ve had with some of the more memorable guest we’ve had on the show-- folks like Rebecca Enonchong, Mark Kaigwa, Thebe Ikalafeng, Dominique Collett-Antolik and Mbwana Alliy.
We’d like to thank you for supporting this podcast by listening in every week, sharing it with other people, and engaging with us on social media, via email and by sending us audio voice notes that we shared on past episodes of the show. We’re excited to witness the community that is forming around this platform. Let’s keep talking!
Finally, we dedicate everything we’ve so far achieved, and everything we purpose to do going forward to you — and all the other incredible people of the Motherland who continue to work tirelessly in trenches of leading firms and emerging startups alike, to make Africa great.