Should Africa-focused Investors Hunt Gorillas, Gazelles Or Unicorns?

Should Africa-focused Investors Hunt Gorillas, Gazelles Or Unicorns?

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Last week, Africa’s early stage investor community came together for the *4th Annual African Early Stage Investor Summit* ([#AAIS2017]( At this exclusive investor-only event, hosted at Workshop17 in Cape Town, South Africa, key stakeholders in the ecosystem exchanged insights on best practice, shared lessons learnt, and debated what the roadmap for the future ought to look like.

In this African Tech Roundup episode, Andile Masuku and Musa Kalenga discuss some of the more contentious issues unpacked at the conference-- including whether or not the hunt for the "African Unicorn" is constructive and how Africa-focused investors might best go about investing with exits in mind.